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A-LIGN is a global cybersecurity and compliance solutions provider based out of Tampa, Florida that specializes in helping businesses across a variety of industries navigate the complexities of their specific audit and security assessment needs to prevent cyber threats and reduce risk, turning their security into a competitive edge. Founded byformer “Big 4” executives and security specialists, A-LIGN is dedicated to making the security and compliance process as seamless and efficient by offering a one-stop-shop. Their leadership team’s experience undergoing audits in industry provides us with their clients’ perspective of the audit and drives us to deliver a high degree of communication and responsiveness to them before, during and after the audit.

country : US

Ranked 11 on Page 1 of Business > Security > Cyber-security in our US Directory

Ranked 24 on Page 1 of Business > Security > Cyber-security in our International Directory

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