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Best Eyelash Extension Salon in Singapore

With 4 outlets islandwide, DR. LASH is widely regarded as the best eyelash extensions group in Singapore. Being the largest with the most number of outlets in Singapore, we offer a wide spectrum of services and a wide choice range for eyelash extensions. Our high standards and customer satisfaction will change your perspective about enhancing your natural beauty. We have heard many horror stories about eyelash extensions, which is why we strive to achieve clinical standards when it comes to hygiene at DR. LASH. We aim to be the leading salon in the eyelash industry where we place our upmost importance on our customer’s lash health and our customers are able to notice the difference in terms of looks and longevity of their lashes. Fix an appointment now, with Singapore's best eyelash extension salon!

country : SG

Ranked 1 on Page 1 of Health > Hair-care > Eyelashes in our SG Directory

Ranked 2 on Page 1 of Health > Hair-care > Eyelashes in our International Directory

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